+30 6977 35 85 31 +30 210 285 23 23 info@dermedica.gr
Laser services
4Treatments with the latest laser techniques and medical equipment, pulsed Alexandrite laser technology for non-invasive hair removal. Treatment of brown spots and telangiectasias, skin rejuvenation. Lasers are great tools for dermatologists, allowing them to use technology for the benefit of the patient.The clinic is equipped with state of the art laser equipment, thus covering most aspects of modern dermatology, from medical to cosmetic, and catering to the individual needs of every unique patient we provide care for.
Laser hair removal all year round
Laser hair removal for fast and permanent results with laser Alexandrite 755 nm and the latest generation of laser Nd: Yag, which allows you to perform hair removal treatments with unsurpassed efficacy and client comfort, even during the summer.
Vascular lesions
Treatment of spider veins and hemangiomas with the modern and efficient Nd: Yag laser
Fractional laser
Effective skin rejuvenation and anti-aging for the face and the body and treatment of scars and stretch marks.
Dark spots, pigmented lesions
Visible improvement and correction of skin imperfections by combining laser applications.
Benign lesions
Treatment of scars and keloids
Precancerous lesions